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General Rules:

The following rules have been duly adopted by the Board of Management of the St George Rural Cemetery Company LTD to promote and protect the best interests of the cemetery on behalf of plot owners and the community.


Deed: A certificate bearing the corporate seal of the St George Rural Cemetery Company Ltd. is issued to the lot owner upon having made “payment in full” for the plot, lot or site. Such certificate designates the range, plot, lot and site number and approximate size. Such certificate provides for burial rights only and does not convey fee simple ownership of the land as is normally associated with a land deed to one’s property. At the issuance of this certificate the owner agrees to abide with all the rules pertaining to the use of the cemetery and agrees to maintain the plot, lot or site to a standard consistent with the overall appearance of the cemetery excepting if the care is provided by the cemetery management through the perpetual care program


We respectively ask for your cooperation in achieving our mutual goals.

  1. Upright monuments must be placed at the head of the plot, lot or site. They may not be placed in the middle or foot of graves. Flush monuments can be placed at the foot or head of the grave.

  2. Shrubbery may be planted on a lot if the shrub is small in nature and will be maintained by the lot owner to a reasonable height and does not infringe on the adjacent lots. Shrubbery not maintained by the plot owner may be removed by the board without notice.

  3. Flowers or other memorials placed on a lot will be place either on the monument or at the base of the monument to facilitate easy maintenance .They must be removed or renewed when weathered.

  4. Flowerbeds and planting of borders around the lots is prohibited in order to maintain a neat appearance throughout the cemetery. The Management may direct grounds crews to remove or mow over any flowerbeds which become unsightly through lack of care.

  5. Large urns or potted flower containers may not be placed as to block the path of maintenance equipment, especially mowing equipment. Anything placed so as to create a blockage shall be removed from the gravesite by grounds crews without notice.

  6. The placing of memorabilia such as boxes, shells, toys, ornaments or other like items upon plots is not permitted in order to avoid hazards for mowing and maintenance.  If placed on the monument or on the base of the monument, if the item is neglected and becomes weathered or damaged, the grounds crews have the authority to dispose of the item without notice.

  7. Items and structures not permitted to be placed at grave sites include: fences, railings, hedges, copings, trellises, arches or other similar obstructions deemed by the Management to restrict maintenance or cause a hazard. Such items, if placed, will be removed without notice.

  8. The preferred finish on top of the lot is grass. Crushed stone of an acceptable depth, with an acceptable and permanent weed barrier underlay, is also allowed as long as the owner replenishes the rock as needed to maintain the plot in an appealing appearance and a good depth. No other finishes are permitted.

  9. Raised borders, wooded, cement or otherwise, are not permitted. In the event a plot owner feels it is necessary to undertake changes to the plot, the owner must contact the board for approval prior to undertaking such work.

  10. Perpetual Care provides for the smoothing of the surface after the burial, the mowing of the grass, generally May to September, as deemed necessary, filling sunken graves, removal of neglected and weathered adornments, smoothing of crushed rocks tops and other needed and minor repair work.

  11.  Perpetual care does not provide for major repairs to the lots and any repair to monuments. The lot holder may purchase custom work from the Cemetery Company for an agreed to fee.

  12. No plots, lots or sites shall be used for any other purposes other than burial of human dead.

  13. The cemetery shall be open for burials from dusk to dawn daily.

  14. Burials are encouraged between the 1st of April until the 1st of December. Between December 1st and March 31st burials are discouraged.  While strongly discouraged, winter burial can be arrange, however a damage deposit of $150.00 will be required.  Should all or any portion of this damage deposit not be used by Management for any subsequent repairs of specific and direct damage to: roads, walkways, paths or alleys and adjacent lots and monuments, it will be returned no later than the following April or whenever any required remedial is completed. All winter burials require prior approval of the Board and are considered on a case by case basis. (Also refer to Sections 4.0 and 5.01 below).

  15. During the opening and closing of a grave any damage done to adjacent areas, roadways, monuments or markers shall be repaired by the Management and billed to the lot owner.

  16. The lot owner is responsible to locate the burial site when interment is made. The cemetery Management can assist in site location however a call out charge of $25.00 will be levied.

  17. The lot owner is responsible for all costs of opening a grave as well as any other additional charges arising from these regulations.

  18. The opening and closing of a plot may only be done by a contractor approved by the Cemetery Board and further it is the deed owner’s responsibility to request and receive such approval.

  19. The burial site must be return to its original condition as soon as possible after the burial. Under Perpetual Care, the work will be done by the St George Rural Cemetery Company Ltd. Under Perpetual Care returning the burial site to an “original condition “refers only to the smoothing of the surface area and nothing more.

  20. There will be no burials of two or more regular size caskets in one plot with the following exceptions (a) parent and infant, or two infants; (b) cremated remains.

  21. Persons visiting the cemetery are requested to walk only on the roads, avenues used as alleys and not on plots, lots or sites unless it is necessary to gain access to one’s own lot or to pursue a genealogy interest.

  22.  Automobiles, motorcycles and light trucks are the only transportation vehicles permitted on the cemetery property. Heavy vehicles used by an approved contractor and required for a work related purpose are permitted.

  23. The speed limit within the cemetery shall not exceed 15kms/hr.

  24.  Snowmobiles, ATVs or off road vehicles are strictly prohibited from the cemetery grounds for any purposes whatsoever.

  25.  Children under the age of fourteen are not permitted on the cemetery grounds unless accompanied with a responsible adult.

  26. Pets are allowed in the Cemetery provided they are on a leash and stay on cemetery roads. The persons walking the pet(s) will clean up feces.





After 135 years  The St George Rural Cemetery has become such a central part of our heritage, people have begun to take it for granted. We want to change some of those preconceptions. We are asking the following Regulations be observed for the preservation of our gravesites

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